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Upgrade your Free listing and get MORE enquiries!

If you’ve arrived on this page, it probably means you have a “free listing” in our landlord directory. That means, unlike our other packages, no money was paid to get your listing live onto our website.

Due to the success and popularity of our directory, we’ve had to take the free package off our product line for new users, because as you already know, success comes at a cost. The decision wasn’t easy; we would have loved to have kept our service free forever, but with the increasing costs that comes hand-in-hand with maintaining and improving our service, we’ve had to make this tough decision.

Of course, if you have a free listing, we will continue to honour it for as long as we can, but it means you won’t be able to take advantage of some of the features the paid listings are receiving. The premium accounts receive more enquiries, so we believe it’s worth upgrading. Just one enquiry from us could cover more than one year’s subscription to our service. It’s a no-brainer.

We highly recommend you upgrade your account to get the most out of your listing and our website. But rest assured, we won’t force you to, and we won’t treat you like a second class citizen for not doing so.

Free Vs Paid

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How to upgrade to a paid package

Simply log into your account and click on the “live listings” tab on the right. You will then see all your listings on the left. Your free listings will be marked with a small green icon which says “F”- next to the time you will see an “upgrade” link. Click, and begin your journey to upgrade heaven.

Don’t have an account?

Don’t worry, you can register a new account. Once you enter your details, DO NOT complete the listing submission for your company. At this point, you should go back to the main website, find your company page, and click on the “incorrect details?” link near the top of the page. Enter your details, tell us the username of your account, and we will assign your listing to your username, and then you will be able to upgrade/update your account and increase your chances of getting enquiries!

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