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Eviction Services

Below is a list of Eviction Services closest to the postcode S9 3LR. If you wish to find the closest Eviction Services from a different postcode, please update the search above and press "Search"

If you wish to contact or require more details about a particular Eviction Services, click on the "More details & directions" link.

Occasionally you may need to evict a tenant. Doing this independently can be hazardous and illegal if you fail to comply with the law.

Specialist help and advice is available from the experts listed below who can help guide you through the legal process.


Legal for Landlords are specialists within the lettings industry. Whether you're a landlord, agent or tenant, our unique products and services cater for all of...

Help Land

With over 10 years experience in the landlord & tenant eviction industry Helpland Ltd is a private, professional company specialising in assisting landlords with the...

Landlord Support Services

WE OPERATE NATIONWIDE Landlord Support Services is a consultancy specialising in landlord and tenant matters in the UK.We serve letting agencies, housing associations and private landlords....

Landlord Action

Landlord Action is the UK’s 1st eviction and housing law specialist and the first to be authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. To help landlords,...

Landlord Assist

Landlord Assist, regardless of the location of the property, operate a straightforward three stage process for the eviction of tenants. Stage 1: We will arrange for...

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