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Tenancy Deposit Scheme Services

Below is a list of Tenancy Deposit Scheme Services closest to the postcode S9 3LR. If you wish to find the closest Tenancy Deposit Scheme Services from a different postcode, please update the search above and press "Search"

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In England and Wales, if you rent your home on an assured short-hold tenancy that started after 6 April 2007, you must place your tenants deposit in a tenancy deposit protection (TDP) schemes. These government-backed schemes ensure the deposit is returned to the tenant as long as they a) meet the terms of the tenancy agreement, b) don't damage the property, and c) pay their rent and bills. You, or your letting agent, must put the deposit into a scheme within 30 days of getting it. At the end of the tenancy you must agree how much deposit you'll return and this must be returned within 10 days of the tenancy ending. Find out more about deposit schemes through one of these companies.

Deposit Recovery Claims

Has your Landlord failed to protect your tenancy deposit? Landlords have an obligation to pay deposits received from Tenants into a deposit protection scheme. If they...

The Deposit Protection Service

Our funds are secured with UK approved banks, so for safe, secure and straightforward deposit protection, The DPS is ideal. Registration is simple and quick -...

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